Town of Cameron discusses harrassment, again
The Town of Cameron holds a public hearing at its May 23, 2023 regular meeting. The Town of Cameron discussed harassment and discord among board members at its May 23 regular meeting. The discussion began after the public hearing when Kay Kelly read pages of concerns. She read the North Carolina General Statute 168-86 on ethics and education. “I am extremely upset with actions of the board. You have been elected to support the best interests of the people,” Kelly said about the board making decisions without a full board and without public notice. The town board had only three members for several months and recently recruited new members for a full board. General Statute 168-86 directs members to obey laws regarding official actions taken as a board member, to uphold the integrity of the member’s office, to avoid impropriety, to be faithful to duties, and to conduct affairs in an open and public manner. “We do often find ourselves with discord amongst the staff. Most of t...